Success Story

Case Study: Oventrop - More Time for Strategy and 4x More Offers

About Oventrop

Oventrop is one of the leading manufacturers of fittings and building technology and has been a reliable partner for specialist dealers, consultants and building contractors since 1851. For the production of its products, Oventrop actively cooperates with more than 1500 suppliers who deliver more than 6500 different articles. The total purchasing volume for production material and commodities amounts to over € 65 million per year.


Oventrop's goal was to make its purchasing more strategic, but it had to overcome a number of hurdles. A lot of resources were tied up in sourcing and supplier management due to a high level of manual effort in the operational business. There was a lack of transparency and no reliable data basis, which meant that time wasn’t spent efficiently and the opportunities to reduce material costs were not fully realized. In addition, Oventrop had to meet the new regulatory requirements of the LkSG.

Learn how Oventrop resolved these challenges with Mercanis in our success Story.

Case Study: Oventrop - More Time for Strategy and 4x More Offers


  • Time savings for key processes
  • 4x more offers per sourcing event
  • 100% transparency and better data availability
  • LkSG requirements fulfilled

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Case Study: Oventrop - More Time for Strategy and 4x More Offers


  • Time savings for key processes
  • 4x more offers per sourcing event
  • 100% transparency and better data availability
  • LkSG requirements fulfilled

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"The Mercanis SRM allows us to digitally map all important supplier management processes and to automate and optimize many manual processes. This also allows us to expand our supplier base much faster in order to optimize costs and drive innovation."
- Marcel Schröder, Head of Strategic Purchasing, Oventrop
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