for Suppliers

Frequently asked questions, processes and benefits
for suppliers

A female worker wearing a yellow high-visibility jacket, blue hard hat, and safety glasses inspects inventory in a warehouse. She holds a clipboard and checks labels on stacked metal pipes.
What is Mercanis?
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Mercanis is a software for purchasing that digitises the entire source-to-contract process. You can find more information here.

I have received an email from Mercanis. What does this mean for me?
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If you have received an email from Mercanis, it means that a potential customer has invitedyou to participate in their procurement process. To participate in the tender, please create auser profile. You can find the link to do so in the invitation email you have received. All thenecessary information for registration can be found in our Supplier Guide.

How is my data protected?
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Mercanis complies with all current security guidelines and adheres to DSGVO standards. We are convinced that data security should have the highest priority. We therefore carry out constant checks and improvements to our IT security concept.

What are the advantages for me as a supplier?
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  • All information about a tender in one place
  • Quick and intuitive tender proposals
  • Easy communication with the potential customer
  • Negotiations on an equal footing
  • More information click here

Sourcing process with Mercanis from the supplier's perspective

start of the sourcing process where applicants initiate the tender and suppliers receive invitations via email
  • Applicant starts tender process.
  • Suppliers receive invitation via e-mail to the Mercanis platform.
suppliers confirming interest and accessing detailed tender information
Information on the tendering process
  • Suppliers confirm their interest in the tender process.
  • Suppliers get access to detailed information.
suppliers filling in price sheets, answering questionnaires, and providing detailed information
Bid preparation and submission
  • Filling in price sheets.
  • Answering questionnaires.
  • Providing detailed information.
uppliers using Mercanis chat for queries and handling price negotiations
Queries & Price Negotiations
  • Queries are answered via intuitive Mercanis chat.
  • Price negotiations can also be handled via Mercanis.
applicant deciding on a supplier and Mercanis sending automatic notifications of award or rejection
Decision on offer
  • Applicant decides on a supplier.
  • Mercanis sends automatic notification of award or rejection.
completion of the procurement process
  • Process is completed.

Advantages for you as a supplier

ease and speed of submitting offers through the Mercanis platform
Submitting offers - quick and easy
Reduce manual effort and receive more invitations to tenders. Submit your offers and necessary documents quickly and easily via the intuitive Mercanis platform.
Mercanis' efficient chat function for direct supplier-customer communication
Communication at a glance
Use our efficient chat function to contact your customers directly and process enquiries.
automated notifications about changes in the offer process
Automated notifications
Stay up to date by receiving automated notifications about changes in the offer process
Mercanis' quick onboarding process steps: create user profile, log in, and get started
Fast onboarding process
Our quick onboarding process involves just a few steps: start by creating your user profile, then log in, and you are all set to get started!
Mercanis' dedicated support team available for supplier assistance
Straightforward support

Our dedicated support team is on hand to answer your questions and provide you with the best possible support when submitting your offer. Send us an email at any time to